Friday, August 6, 2010

Book/Audio Book Update

FINISHED: Summerland by Michael Chabon, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald on Audio Book
READING: The History of Love by Nicole Krauss

Betty Roi's French Tunes & Ballet at Cultural Encounters

July 30th

Up Your Alley Fair

July 25th
At the end of a perfectly respectable brunch at our place, Ilya's former roommate and friend Aurora invited me to go along with her to the Dore Alley/Up You Alley Fair. It didn't take too much persuading to get me to go to this S&M Street Fair and boy was I glad I said yes. I don't have any photos that are blogger appropriate but I will say that there were penises everywhere. Naked Twister, spanking and whipping demonstration, and much much more...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Arts Bash at the de Young with Cypress String Quartet and DJ

July 23rd
Another Friday passes by and more  music and fun to listen to. I really like making these videos of the night and I hope to continue the filming and photo taking each week. It is wonderful working there..I just wish it was a real job and I was there full time. Not sure about the living in San Francisco part but I really do like working at the de Young. This has made me feel very good about school and everything else.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Precita Eyes Fundraiser & Soap Gallery

July 24th
After spending a wonderful morning wandering around the Mission looking at yard sales and finding some great things (including an awesome Tim Biskup toy), Ilya and I went to check out the Precita Eyes Fundraiser. It was taking place in a cute park about two blocks away from our apartment with a ton of local graffiti artists and boards set up for people to spray paint. It was pretty fun with some work that was actually pretty good but the strong wind caused the spray paint to be a bit too much to breath. On the way to dinner, later on, we saw that Soap Gallery (a gallery nearby that is usually closed) was open and stopped in. What a fun show with great works that inspired me with some ideas for shows. All of the work was based upon the junk ads for supermarkets with over sized products made from a variety of materials. Wonderful!!! There was a wonderful piece with three straws that we are waiting to find out if we can purchase it or not.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Book/Audio Book Update

FINISHED: The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini on Audio Book, Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde on Audio Book
READING: The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Stieg Larsson

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Interview with Jeanine Briggs by Naomi Huth

July 22nd
I finished the video for my interview with Jeanine Briggs, current Artist-in-Residence at the de Young Museum. This one took a bit longer to do than the interview with Michael Horse because Jeanine didn't want to be on screen at all so I had to use images of her work and relevant images for the video. It was really fun to do and I am now an iMovie master. I will do another on for the August Artist-in-Residence before I go back to New York, but there isn't too much time left anymore. I really like being able to take on more responsibilities and come up with fun projects like this one.